SUPER Steel Tank (1500LI)

Ks 2,294,000


Product Description

Steel water Tank

♦Brand :Super

♦Size   :1500L

♦No rust Insects such as mosquitoes, flies, Lack of inbreeding.

♦Algae dust Preventing iron dust from sticking.

♦Skin irritation caused by chemicals. Protection from chemical poisoning.

♦Because it is light in weight and simple and easy, it can be moved to the desired place and installed. Easy to clean the tank.

♦Due to extreme heat and cold, the shape is not easily damaged, and the cost of preparation is low. It should only be used if it meets the following points.

♦Super water tanks are internationally certified ISO -0001: 2004 and manufactured using SUS 304# steel type according to international standards, and are produced with modern machines (Water Pressure Test).

♦Super water tanks are used not only for water storage, but also for edible oil. diesel oil It can also be used to store items such as alcohol, not only as a household item, but also for factories, It can also be widely used in workshops.

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Additional Information

Model : Super Steel Tank

Product Type : HIP

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