SIKA Plastocrete-N (5Lit)

Ks 30,900


Product Description

♦Brand                         : Sika

♦Product                      : Plastocrete-N

♦Country of Origin       : Thailand

♦Type                          : Waterproofing

♦Size                           : 5Liter

♦Plastocrete-N is used for mixing Waterproofing Concrete and Mortar.

♦Plain Concrete is used to achieve 28-day strength in 7 days and 15 days.

♦Approximately 0.2% to 0.8% of the amount of cement can be added.

♦If used as water proofing, it is necessary to add about 0.5% of the amount of cement (a quarter of a bottle of water).

♦It can be used for bathroom floor and walls, power house construction in hydropower projects and it can also be used in Plastocrete-N Flat Roof, concrete pools; basements, underground tanks, Building walls exposed to rain.

♦If Plastocrete-N is 0.5% dosage, add Plastocrete-N (0.25 Ltr) per bag of cement (1/4 of a water bottle).

♦By using Plastocrete-N, it is easy to work without adding water,achieving dense concrete,good concrete strength and durability.

♦It provides benefits such as water proofing and less elasticity/shrinkage

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Additional Information

Country Of Origin : Thailand

Product Type : HIP

Size : 5 Ltr

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